is a trusted online news platform in India, committed to delivering up-to-the-minute updates on sports, headlines, and entertainment. Our team of skilled and experienced journalists works tirelessly to bring the latest and most trending news from across the nation to our readers.
Launched in 2020 by a group of passionate journalist-bloggers, was established with a vision to create a non-biased news platform for audiences worldwide. Over the years, the platform has grown in popularity, becoming a reliable source of news for millions and expanding its coverage to cater to readers throughout India.
At, we prioritize accuracy and integrity. We avoid sensationalism or fake news, focusing instead on providing honest, modest, and up-to-date stories. Our consistent news coverage has made us a dependable choice for readers everywhere.
Our Mission
At, our mission is to offer comprehensive and impartial news coverage to a wide and diverse audience. We aim to be the go-to source for trustworthy information across the nation.
Our Story began in 2020 when a group of journalist-bloggers united to create a global, unbiased news platform. Today, it stands as a leading destination for readers seeking credible and timely news.
Our Process
Our journalists source stories from a mix of online and offline platforms, conducting thorough research to ensure every piece of content is accurate and well-rounded. Each writer specializes in their field, ensuring expertise and reliability in every story we share.